New Lyrics Un Alt Castel de George Hentu | How I Got Into Music .

New Lyrics Un Alt Castel de George Hentu

Un Alt Castel de George Hentu

De mic am construit mii de vise
Patate de lacrimi si cuvinte nespuse
Aproape toate s-au inecat
Potopul ce a urmat m-a transformat.

A ramas un vis, pentru el am luptat ceas de ceas
Niciodata, nu mai voi opri pana cand se va implini.

Construiesc un alt castel
Visez in fiecare zi, ca poate intr-o zi
Construiesc un alt castel
Mai maret si mai indraznet
Construiesc in fiecare zi
peste molozul de regrete si ofense aruncate
Si voi demonstra ca in Romania chiar se poate.

Do you want to learn how to sing ?
Check it out here:

  1. Amazing Vocal Lessons
  2. Tips For  A Worldwide Singer
  3. Last Part Of Weird Warm Ups

Va dura ani sau va dura zile
Vor trece lunile in nestire
Va continua sa fie dificil
Pana cand intr-o zi, nu va mai fi.

Imi amintesc vag cat de mult am luptat
Cand toti erau impotriva ,impotriva mea.
A trebuit sa raman singur in propriul labirint
Si sa caut iesirea la infinit.

Deasupra mea, acel vis stralucea
Chiar si in labirint, il puteam vedea
Asa ca m-am decis in acel moment,
sa gasesc iesirea si s-ajung la el.

Construiesc un alt castel
Visez in fiecare zi, ca poate intr-o zi
Construiesc un alt castel
Mai maret si mai indraznet
Construiesc in fiecare zi
peste molozul de regrete si ofense aruncate
Si voi demonstra ca in Romania chiar se poate.

By George Hentu

Why Have I wrote this song ?

I wrote 'Un Alt Castel' [a romanian song] because as you know music is my ultimate dream.

And even if this dream looked kind of impossible in it's early stages I never stopped chasing it.
I started songwriting after my attempt to commit suicide in my 7th grade, so singing came kinda natural even if then  it was kinda bad.
But, no one is perfect in the beginning, so I started practicing and here I am.
I am 22 and I just had my first concert and the reaction of the  people was incredible.There was even a lady  that got emotional while I was singing and I felt like 'Thank you God.I am right where I need to be.'
I hope you liked the song and if you have a dream work for it.
Do not complain, do not waste time, just do it.

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